Special morning tea in memory of Margaret at TCFV centre on 15.6.22, 10am-12pm. Please click here https://www.compassionatefriendsvictoria.org.au/event/special-morning-tea/ to RSVP by 10.6.22
Dear Friends,
It is with great sadness that I pass on the news that our co-founder, Margaret Harmer, passed away on 15th February 2022.
Margaret and her husband, Lindsay, founded TCF in Australia in 1978. Margaret was also appointed as co-patron of TCFV in August 2021. Their legacy has been felt by all who have sought support through TCF and for those who will continue to into the future.
We send our condolences to her family and friends. She will be sadly missed.
Details of her funeral will be confirmed but the tentative date is Thursday 24th February at 2pm.
Yours sincerely,
Lisa Gelbart,
Acting President TCFV
The live stream of Margaret’s funeral can be found here.

The founder of The Compassionate Friends, Rev. Canon Simon Stephens, with Margaret Harmer and Lindsay Harmer (d. 2019).

Margaret, with Lindsay.

TCF Victoria’s formative years: Margaret and Lindsay in 1982.