Support “The Compassionate Friends” every time you shop and save more as a Customer with a Ritchie’s Card ….

To date The Compassionate Friends has received $3,866.13 from Ritchie’s Community Benefit Program.
We are asking you to get behind this program by clicking here to nominate The Compassionate Friends as your favourite recipient.
You will need to create an account either through the website or via the App.
To download the App search for the Ritchie’s App at the Apple App store or for Android users at the Google Play Store. Instructions are located on the Loyalty page of Ritchie’s Website.

If you are more comfortable with a plastic card please ask for one next time you visit your local Ritchies. You will still need to create an account through the website to nominate The Compassionate Friends.
Thank you in advance for getting behind this wonderful opportunity to raise money for The Compassionate Friends.