Support Groups – for individuals (18+ years) bereaved of a child, grandchild or sibling


Please click HERE for information on establishing a complimentary TCFV membership which allows you to attend TCFV support groups.
Or please contact us via phone on (03) 9888 4944. (Or for those outside metropolitan Melbourne, a free-call is 1300 064 068.)

Attending a TCFV group for the first time? Please let us know on (03) 9888 4944. (Or for those outside metropolitan Melbourne, a free-call is 1300 064 068.)


Support & Social Support Groups: Information & Dates

Which group meetings require registration before attending?

A small number of our meetings require registration to attend.

Please notify our telephone support-line (03 9888 4944) of your intention to attend the next meeting of one of the following groups:
Hawthorn East Social Group
Box Hill Social Group
Canterbury Evening Support Group

Please visit our Events page to register to attend an upcoming session of one of these groups:
Culture Club (Northcote)
Express Yourself Through Art at TCFV CENTRE
Online Support Group
Online Support for Regional Suicide-Bereaved
Online Express Yourself Through Art

Questions about TCFV Support Groups & Social Support Groups

Below are answers to questions we often get asked about our group meetings.  If there is something else you want to know please contact The Compassionate Friends Victoria office on (03) 9888 4944.  Outside Melbourne metro Free Call 1300 064 068.

Who Can Attend?

Meetings are for individuals 18 years of age and over, who have experienced the death of a child, sibling, and/or grandchild, at any age, from any cause.

We find meetings are predominantly attended by bereaved parents. Siblings and grandparents are very welcome, too. If siblings are looking at sibling-specific support, please refer here.

Please keep in mind, you need to be a member of TCFV to attend any group. Your first year of membership is complimentary (to establish a membership, please call 9888 4944 / 1300 064 068); for more information on membership, please see below “Is there a charge to attend?”

I'm new to meetings. Should I call TCFV and speak with the group leader prior to attending?

We highly recommend you speak with the group leader prior to your first group meeting. Call TCFV on 1300 064 068 and we can help arrange a chat. Speaking with the leader is a valuable introduction to the group and what it can offer you in your grief journey.

What if someone in my household has COVID-19, but I don't don't? Can I still attend a meeting?

Meetings, by design, have people sitting in close proximity to one another. If someone in your household has COVID-19, we would prefer that you not attend a meeting in that month. Please be aware that, in its place, you could have a one-on-one peer support session and/or attend an online support group (for upcoming sessions click here).

If I go to a meeting, will I have to talk?

No one is required to talk at any meeting. We understand how difficult that can be when our grief is so fresh. We do ask that you listen, however, and we don’t interrupt while another member is sharing their story.

Is there a charge to attend?

The cost of attending a group is included in our TCFV membership. (If you need to establish a TCFV membership, please call us on 9888 4944 / 1300 064 068.) You can attend as many groups as you like, in any location as part of joining our organisation. New members receive a 12-month complementary membership, after this it is $55 per year (less than $5 a month), which also gives you access to all of our other services.

Can I attend multiple meetings?

If it is geographically feasible, please feel most welcome to attend a range of support and/or social groups. We just ask that whenever you attend a new group that you let TCFV Centre know via phone 9888 4944 (Melbourne)/1300 064 068 (regional) or email: This way the leaders will be ready to welcome you into the new environment.

What happens at a meeting?

Most groups start with an informal time for welcoming people and having a cup of tea or coffee. The formal part of the meeting then begins with the facilitator speaking and perhaps reading a piece of poetry or a short story, after which time we introduce ourselves in turn and share our thoughts and feelings. At this time, you may share as much or as little as you need. General discussion then follows and groups usually end with another cuppa for those members who wish to stay.

How is a social support group meeting different to a support group meeting?

Social meetings are typically held at a café. They have a more relaxed structure, with discussion of grief and bereavement interspersed with more general social discussion. Social meetings may resonate more with individuals a few more years down the track in their grief, who feel they’re not needing to explore their grief in detail. Newly bereaved people do also report benefits from social groups, too, particularly if they’re seeking peer support in a less formal setting and structure – and prefer not to explore their grief in detail.

My loved one died several years ago, and I postponed my grief work. Now it's catching up with me. Is it too late to come now?

We all grieve differently. Many people don’t feel the need of a support group until years after the death of a loved one. It’s all right to come whenever you are ready, whether it’s soon after your loved one’s death, months later or years later.

Can I bring a friend with me?

If you need a friend to drive you to the group, or you need their reassurance, they are welcome to attend. It is important for us to be able to share freely within our group and be sure confidences will be respected. Your friend would need to accept this confidentiality.

I notice the meeting is in a church. Do I have to belong to a church to attend?

TCFV has no religious affiliation. Meetings are held in a wide variety of locations depending upon what is available in our communities.

I have baby-sitting problems. Would it be all right to bring my child with me?

While we understand the difficulties of finding child care, we must ask that out of respect for the needs of others, you do not bring children (under 18 years of age) to meetings.  At this time, we do not provide any services for bereaved parents or siblings below 18 years of age, but we can refer you to other agencies where these services are available.

Is a peer support group the same as therapy?

A support group helps reduce the sense of isolation bereaved people commonly feel. It also helps normalise thoughts and feelings that can be distressing or depressing for us. Like therapy, a support group invites us to reflect on experiences.

It is different to therapy, too. The facilitators have the lived experience of bereavement, but are not necessarily mental health professionals. A group is not an in-depth one-on-one session, although a grief-related topic can be explored in-depth collectively.

Will attending a group meeting be “too much” emotionally?

It can be helpful to be in the presence of someone else’s emotions. Finding you have similar feelings and experiences to others can be an extremely positive experience.

Be mindful that when you’re feeling especially fragile, you might not be in the place to securely experience another person’s sadness, regret, guilt, frustration, and so on. Be aware of how you’re feeling in response to others. It may not be the right rime for you to attend groups regularly. Alternately, you may realise through your response, you are having a difficult day.

I am new in my grief. Through attending group meetings, will I find hope again?

Seeing others further down the track who have managed to find meaningful connections again with the world around them can provide hope. Seeing that they’ve achieve this, while still keeping their child, sibling or grandchild’s legacy vibrant in their life, is similarly inspiring. Also, hearing about how people have coped in difficult times can be helpful. (Just keep in mind that strategies that have worked for some people will not necessarily resonate or work for us.)

For new people in the group, or newer in their grief, you may find you look to longer-term bereaved members for evidence things will change. For the majority of us, it definitely does – the intensity and repetitiveness of thoughts and feelings, for instance, diminishes. We can still have bad days, though, and can seek out a group meeting in turn. For newer people, this may inadvertently leave the impression that nothing changes. Thankfully, for the clear majority, it does.

Can I ask the group to give me advice on how to cope?

You can, but it is essential to keep in mind: no one size (in coping with grief) fits all. Despite the power of our shared experience of grief, we of course all come with our individual needs and experiences. You can ask people what has helped them and what hasn’t in coping with grief, honouring lost loved ones, and so on. Hearing other people’s outlook and approach to grief can help “fine tune” your own. But remember, no one size fits all. If you are seeking medical, psychotherapeutic or health advice, we stress that you seek the guidance of relevant professionals.

It is important to me to be able to speak openly and in detail about how my loved one died. Is this okay in a support group?

It is important to feel free to speak openly about all aspects of our grief. Sometimes, if this includes graphic descriptions surrounding how our loved one/s died, this can be too much for the group to hear, and might instead be more appropriately addressed in a one-on-one discussion with a group leader or with a psychotherapist, allied health professional, and so on.

Bereaved by Suicide (Canterbury)

When: 4th Monday of each month (excluding December*)
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: The Compassionate Friends Victoria 229 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury VIC 3126
Group Leader: Jenny

Bereaved by Suicide (Sunshine)

When: 1st Tuesday of the month (Feb-Dec)
Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: Salvation Army Drop-In Centre 42 Devonshire Road, Sunshine VIC 3020
Group Leader: Kerry

“Express Yourself Through Art” ONSITE

When: 3rd Monday of the month.
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: TCFV Centre, 229 Canterbury Road, Canterbury VIC 3126
To register to attend a session, please click here.
Art Therapist: Natasha


Support Group for Bereaved Fathers, Brothers & Grandfathers
When: 3rd Wednesday of the month, excluding January
Time: 7:00 pm—9:00 pm
Venue: The Compassionate Friends Victoria 229 Canterbury Road, Canterbury VIC 3126
Group Leader: John

Siblings-specific Support Group

When: 3rd Tuesday of the month
Time: 7.45pm
Venue: The Compassionate Friends Victoria, 229 Canterbury Road, Canterbury VIC 3126
Group Leader: Claire

Other siblings-specific services here.

Culture Club

A chance for members to meet and discuss books, films, live performance, podcasts, etc.
When: 2nd Saturday bimonthly (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct)
Time: 10.30am
Venue: Four Beans Cafe and Roasting House, 22 High Street, Northcote 3070
For more information and to register, please click here.

Canterbury Support Groups

Daytime Group
When: 4th Wednesday of each month (3rd Wednesday in December)
Time: 11:00 am.
Group Leader: Grace

Evening Group
When: 2nd Tuesday of each month excl. January
Time: 7:30 pm
Group Leader: Natasha
Please note: this group requires registration to attend a meeting. Please call our support line on 03 9888 4944 to register your attendance.

Venue: The Compassionate Friends Victoria 229 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury VIC 3126

Bayside Support Group

When: 4th Wednesday each month excl. December
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Venue: Highett Neighbourhood Community House 2 Livingston Street, Highett
Group Leaders: Bruce, Rob

Eltham Support Group

When: 11am, 1st Thursday of the month (excluding January)
Venue: Eltham Library Community Room, Panther Place, Eltham
Group Leader: Sandra

Somerville Bereaved Parents Group

*run by PROJEX J, with support from Compassionate Friends

When: Fourth Thursday of the month
Time: 10am-1pm
Venue: Somerville Community House, 2/21Worwong Avenue, Somerville
Group Leader: Chantelle (Projex J)

More info:

Rowville Support Group

When: 1st Friday of each month excl. January
Time: 1:00 pm
Venue: Bridgewater Centre Cnr Fullham & Bridgewater Roads, Rowville VIC 3178
Group Leader: Maria

Sunshine Support Group

When: 3rd Tuesday of the month (Feb-Dec)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Salvation Army Drop-In Centre 42 Devonshire Road, Sunshine VIC 3020
Group Leader: Kerry


When: 4th Tuesday of each month, excluding December
Time: 1:30pm
Venue: Long Gully Community Centre, 23-29 Havilah Road Long Gully 3550
Group Leader: Cathy


NOTE: New venue 

When: Last Tuesday of the month (Jan-Nov)
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: Anam Cara House, Zone 4, Nicol Drive South, Waurn Ponds
(Note: the December meeting is held earlier in the month as a social dinner get-together. Please contact 1300 064 048 for further details, or contact the leader directly.)
Group leaders: Jan, Rhonda


When: 2nd Saturday of each month excl. January
Time: 11am
Venue: MADEC Community College 133-137 Madden Avenue, Mildura VIC 3500
Group Leader: Lynne


When: 3rd Tuesday of each month, excluding January
Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: please contact 1300 064 068 for details
Group Leader: Sharon


Please note that Warragul meetings are now in recess.

For individuals bereaved through suicide, please note JESUIT SOCIAL SERVICES run SUPPORT AFTER SUICIDE meetings on the first Thursday of every month 7pm-9pm (Feb-Dec). Location is: The Courthouse Restaurant Garden Bar (enter via Barkley St),  Barkley Street,  Warragul 3820.  Contact person is: David Hobbs / 0427235470 / 


When: first Wednesday of the month (Feb-Dec)
Time: 7:15 pm
Venue: Archie Graham Community Centre, 108 Davis Street, Warrnambool
Group Leaders: Debbie, Andrea


We have TCFV volunteers in the townships/regional cities listed below who have
some availability for a peer support phone chat or coffee catch-up:

Bairnsdale – Elvie
Ballarat – Robyn
Camperdown – Judi
Castlemaine – Matthew
Horsham – Ronda
Melton – Deb 
Wodonga – Lynne

Please enquire on 1300 064 068

Darwin Support Group

When: Last Wednesday monthly (exc. December)
Time: 7pm
Venue: MLA (Member for the Legislative Assembly) Office, Shop 15A, Oasis Shopping Centre, 15 Temple Terrace, Palmerston NT 0830
Contact the group leader (Ingrid): 1300 064 068 /

Support in Hobart.

Although a formal TCFV group is not presently running in Hobart, a number of group members continue to meet informally at an outdoor café setting. For more information, please contact our telephone support-line on 1300 064 068.

Box Hill Social Group

When: 2nd Thursday of the month (Jan-Nov)
Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: Box Hill RSL 26 Nelson Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Please note: bookings are essential for a Box Hill Social Group meeting. Please register your attendance via 9888 4944.
Group Leader: John

Geelong Morning Tea Social Group

* a partnership between TCFV and Hope Bereavement.

When: 2nd Tuesday of each month excl. January
Time: 10 am
Venue: Brioche Café 175 West Fyans Street, Newtown VIC 3220
Group Leader: Jan

Hawthorn East Social Dinner Group

When: 4th Tuesday of the month (Feb-Nov)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Cafe Paradiso (opposite Rivoli Cinemas), 213-215 Camberwell Road, Hawthorn East
Please note: bookings are essential for a Hawthorn East Social Dinner Group meeting. Please register your attendance via 9888 4944.
Group Leader: Karen

Southern Peninsula Lunchtime Social Group

When: 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 noon excl. January For more information please contact us.
Group Leader: Lyndsay

Express Yourself Through Art

Held on the first Thursday of the month at 1.30pm (Feb-Nov)
For details of upcoming classes, click here.
Art Therapist: Lauren

Bereavement Support Group

Held monthly on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm (Feb-Dec)
For details of upcoming meetings, click here.
Facilitators: Angela, Maxine

Regional Bereaved Through Suicide

Held bimonthly on 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm
For details of upcoming meetings, click here.
Facilitator: Robyn