Even if you can’t attend our gala on the 29th April, we would still love your support by bidding on items in our silent auction.
Even if you can’t attend our gala on the 29th April, we would still love your support by bidding on items in our silent auction.
We would like to invite all Mothers and Grandmothers to a High Tea Luncheon. This is a hard time of year for all bereaved mothers and grandmothers, so come along and enjoy lunch with others who have experienced the same loss, but who would love to have a chat. It is a special afternoon filled with cakes, sandwiches, scones and a warm welcome.
Tickets for our TCFV Creating Hope Charity Gala Raffle are on sale now.
Please click on the link below for all the information you need on how to purchase raffle tickets to win this fabulous prize plus many more.
The Compassionate Friends Walk to Remember is a symbolic way to show the love we carry for these children. It is an opportunity to connect with other bereaved families and talk freely about your child, sibling or grandchild in a safe, relaxed environment. We will be doing a gentle walk at Princes Park, Carlton Nth, followed by a service and a BBQ lunch. This event is free for TCFV members as the cost is covered as part of your membership.
We would love to welcome everyone to our Open Day at the Centre in Canterbury. Come and have a tour, check out the library, meet staff, board and volunteers, see art displays as well as information about opportunities and events coming up in 2023.
Join us for an evening of fun, fond remembrance of our loved ones and fundraising to support bereaved families to rebuild their lives.