Each year in Victoria, many parents and siblings experience the unexpected trauma of losing their child, sibling or grandchild. Since our inception in 1978, The Compassionate Friends Victoria has helped thousands of families deal with this loss, supporting each other through our lived experience.
In the last 12 months, we received nearly 3,500 calls to our grief Helpline from people needing one-on-one bereavement support and over 2,000 attendances at a bereavement support group across Victoria. This is on top of the numerous other avenues of support The Compassionate Friends provides.
Please help us to support the many families who face the most devastating loss of all…. the loss of a child, sibling or grandchild. Your generosity will allow us to continue to offer compassion and understanding and through this, help each person find a positive way forward in their grief and to build community awareness of the long term impact of this tragedy.
$46 – Support TCFV’s 46 Years of Compassion, End of Financial Year Campaign
$50 – Provides access to all grief support services complimentary for 12 months for a newly bereaved member
$100 – Helps deliver a community education session for 25 people, providing insights on what to say and how to care for a bereaved person
$250 – Allows 12 newly bereaved members to attend a workshop, helping them to understand their grief reactions and connect with other bereaved families
$500 – Covers the purchase and postage of 140 anniversary cards sent to bereaved families to let them know their loved one is never forgotten
$1000 – Subsidises the cost of delivering a specialist support group for men’s grief for six months
Loving messages from other donors
- To my loving son Chris, he will forever be in our hearts and memories.
- In memory of our beautiful daughter, Kelly Theobald, who passed away on 2nd October 2015. Forever in our hearts.
- A donation in memory of a gorgeous little angel, Maya Quteifan who was taken far to soon. Her smile and laughter brightened the room. She was and will always be loved by many. She will forever be in our hearts and memories!
- Hi Team Good Luck with the Winter Solstice Event Sorry I can't make it - In Loving Memory of James
- I lost my son Gareth in 2014, the Compassionate Friends has helped me deal with this loss. I have also made new friends.
- I would like to help other families in the same way that we were helped when we lost our son, Gregory, more than 17 years ago. Carmen Phelan
- Thank you Andrew for your help. Am looking forward to receiving the copy of the Creedo. My friend will love it.
- A space to feel safe and understood during the moments of hopelessness is something that we all should have.
- In memory of Jarrod Yong and your care for our family
- A donation on behalf of Mercy Health for all the good work that you do.
- My heart goes out to every bereaved parent in the world. To live with the loss of a child is the hardest thing you will ever have to do, but "Friends" make the load a little lighter. With all my love and prayers. ....Cathy
- Thanks a million!!
- In memory of my son Michael. Died 15th Oct 1995 aged 16. The yearly card I receive really means so much to me. Please buy some cards or stamps with this small donation. I wish it could be more. Much love Diane Johnson
- In memory of Oliver Judd
- In fond memory of Nancy Wicking
- In memory of Oliver Judd
- Our workplace giving on behalf of Wendy Quick
- I have experienced what your "clients/friends" have experienced and would have welcomed the support and friendship your organisation offers. I am so glad you are there for others now. Very good wishes
- After my Daughter died I searched for information to make sense of what was going on in my life. Search for ideas to lessen the pain. I felt alone and abounded but Compassion friends sent out much useful information for me to learn to cope with life once again and to know that someone cares and knows what I'm going through.
- In memory of my son Gareth J. Crawford for giving Tuesday.
- Valuable services to people in real need - fantastic work.
- In memory of James
- In loving memory of Mark
- Happy Birthday Valentina from Grandma and Grand dad
- In memory of our son Ben and with thanks to TCF
- In memory of Mark - I've had so much loving support from TCF since Mark died in February 2008. Thank you.
- in memory of Alexander and Leina.
- In loving memory of my Granddaughter Valentina De Luca. Merry Christmas my Angel .. Love Grandma
- remembering all our beautiful children
Download and print this form and send through the post to:
TCF Victoria.
P.O. Box 171
Find out more about leaving a bequest in your Will.
Key Areas of Expenditure
- Funding the 24-hour Grief Helpline
- Covering the cost of sending a care package to a newly bereaved family
- Providing specialist training for support group facilitators and Helpline phone answerers
- Costs of printing and distributing bi-monthly magazine to bereaved families
- The purchasing and sending costs of anniversary cards to ensure a child, sibling or grandchild is never forgotten
Are donations tax deductible?
Yes, a receipt will be sent to you immediately by email when approved.
The Compassionate Friends Victoria is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act