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6th International TCF Gathering

July 28, 2016 - August 1, 2016

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The Philosophy behind the 6th International TCF Gathering.

After the death of a child, the entire family structure can get out of balance: Mothers and fathers grieve in their own different ways, the siblings lose the sister, the brother – and often, at least temporarily, their parents as stable caregivers. How do the parents experience the situation at work?

How do the siblings live this situation at school? How do the doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists accompany family members, who are often traumatised?

Just as each mourning for a child changes an individual the funeral culture is also changing: In addition to TCF new networking have been built, they learn from and with each other. Different aspects of mourning became research subject at many universities.


mourning-in-motionWithin the 6th International TCF Meeting and the 20th national VEID e.V. conference we want to exchange our thoughts about the new aspects of the mourning, during workshops we want to find out which methods best served the bereavement support (Best Practice), which paths exist fort he families in mourning for a child in order to be able to go together the next steps with our children at heart – Mourning in motion!


For more information visit the official website.


July 28, 2016
August 1, 2016